Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Killer Dears

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

NoMatchFound on AzulContinuo

NoMatchFound's ever growing popularity reaches peak today.

Monday, November 27, 2006

Sean Thorpe Chase

The continuous saga of the american artist Sean Thorpe part 2.
Sean Thorpe is still running from the authorities after the incident in San Francisco (see for further details).
The Dallas Police Department just made public the recovery of what is proven to be a Sean Thorpe's drawing and fingerprints at a motel in the outskirts of this city. The Sheriff also confirmed that a number of patrols is on alert throughout the whole state of Texas, looking for a man matching the description kindly provided by the San Francisco Police Department.

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

White smoke over the Vatican

We are delighted to announce the end of the competition for the name of the Faculty-of-Fine-Arts-in-Porto-Seguro-drawing-studio's blog.
The jury was forced to pass a sleepless night, after which they finally decided that the winner title was "".
The author, who asked us to be referred only as Mr. X, in an almost unbelievable altruistic action, is donating the full amount (which due to certain reasons will not be quantified) of the prize won to a charity institution which name we were also asked not to reveal. We would also like to thank the other participants for their participation, and we strongly encourage them to keep on participating.

Sunday, November 19, 2006

Piotr Szczewski's Latest Stuff

"I have been recently forced to start working with computer software in order to maintain my job as an illustrator. I passed from a state of ignorance straight into a state of frustration...","I already tried Windows, Mac and Linux, and I had the impression that obviously someone should be fired at once..."
Read the rest of the interesting interview with polish artist Piotr Szczewski for the latest issue of NoMatchFound magazine at:

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Blog Title Needed ($ reward $)

It is taking place until next tuesday 17:30 a on-line competition for the creation of a blog's name for the discipline of drawing at FBAUPS (Faculdade de Belas Artes da Universidade de Porto Seguro - Brasil). All the ideas should be added as comments of this same article, right here at

Tuesday, November 14, 2006


After a sequence of delays, hazards and furthermore unlucky situations, the famous Matchstein portrait is finnished and ready to be added to this web page's structure. I would like to thank Mr. Gonçalves for this under-paid collaboration.

Ideo Tsurikame at Tokyo's MoMA

"Tsurikame's latest works are irrelevant and best described as an out of fashion Pop spasm!
It's because of this and much more disgusting details that you can see at Tokyo's MoMA that make him
one of the most unpredictable artists in the world."
- Miguel Angelo Trovacentti

Monday, November 13, 2006

De Fabeltjeskrant

In this week's TV article we display "De Fabeltjeskrant" children's show from the Netherlands.
See an example of the show at:

Saturday, November 11, 2006

Matchstein by Gonçalves

Due to the hype caused by our previous publication on Portuguese Illustration, the board of directors decided that the official Damien Matchstein portrait would be made by Rafael Gonçalves.
The prototype is displayed in the pictures above.
I would simply like to add that I am outraged with the systematic sabotage that my personal image is being victim of during more than half a decade now. It is so unfair.

Monday, November 06, 2006

Imperial Pic-Nic Detail

See below for more information on this project.

Imperial Pic-Nic

Controversy srtikes the San Francisco's ART!ART!ART! art gallery last weekend when George Lucas's and Lego Company's lawyers entered the above mentioned gallery, escorted by police officers, and confiscated the Sean Thorpe's video installation piece "Imperial Pic-Nic". The 15 minute long animated film shows Lego Star Wars characters (Darth Vader and clone troopers, to be more precise) in a peaceful turistic pic-nic trip. "I've been applying to work at Lucas Entertainement for 10 years now, and i sent 234 letters to George Lucas during this time... I never got any answer." says Sean Thorpe in an exclusive phonecall interview for our magazine. The artist is now on the loose but he's wanted by the authorities of several states of USA, on the charge of 1st degree copyright infraction.

Saturday, November 04, 2006

Portuguese Illustration

Good news on illustration coming from southwest Europe.
When you thought that good footballers and fado singers were all that Portugal had to offer, you were wrong!
As you can see in the picture above, portuguese illustrator Rafael Gonçalves in his participation in the literature magazine "Aguas Furtadas", dwells into the relativelly unexplored area of papercut-3D-graphic language.

Still setting up

Coming up soon: the LOGO of our humble institution.
Created in 1999 by our dear graphic design coleague Rachel de Vasconcelos.

Matchstein by Hildr

Due to third party demands, I was taken to post a portrait of myself.
Giving a face, and therefore, humanizing the project.
This pencil drawing on paper was made during the Saint Niklaas Bienal in Belgium, 2000,
and it would have resembled me if the norwegian artist Bernt Hildr (the author)
had looked straight at me at least once.

Friday, November 03, 2006


It's with great pleasure that I anounce the foundation of the so awaited NoMatchFound blog.
After the worldwide success of the NoMatchFound Art Magazine, it's board of directors green-lighted this initiative which has the intent of spreading our publications throughout the imense range of cyberspace.
My name is Damien Matchstein, and I will be coordinating this project.
Your opinion does matter, so please feel free to coment, mail or send your own work anytime you feel like.
